
On the Web

Homicide Report

Of the 19 police divisions that make up the LAPD, none has investigated more homicides this year than Newton Division. The Times’ Jill Leovy reports on what is the 32nd homicide death in Newton this year. the discussion

Speak out on issues facing Southern California. What more can the LAPD do to clamp down on crime in the San Fernando Valley? L.A. officials are considering a plan to allow developers to build condos and apartments as small as 250 square feet. Is this good planning or a recipe for disaster? Share your views.

Bottleneck Blog

Sacramento’s budget drama has put the brakes -- temporarily -- on more than $400 million in Los Angeles County transit and road projects.


Celebrity justice

Read the transcript from Times crime writer Richard Winton’s discussion about Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca and celebrity justice in L.A. Plus, learn the latest on the arrest of Lohan.

The mayor’s relationship

Will the mayor’s relationship with a reporter for a Spanish-language TV station owned by NBC-Universal affect the huge proposed development at Universal City, which NBC’s parent company wants to build? Speak out and examine full coverage of the mayor’s relationship. settlement

The University of California has agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle 35 claims that it allowed patients to wait in vain for liver transplants at UCI because the program lacked the staffing to perform the operations. What do you think of the payout?

