
Burke’s domestic dispute

Re “Supervisor’s residence outside district raises legal questions,” July 27

I live in Ladera Heights, and until Friday, I thought that Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke represented me. Thanks to The Times, I now know the truth. And, much to my dismay, I discovered that Burke does not understand the difference between following the letter of the law and perpetuating a ruse. She needs to resign or be removed from office because she is no longer legally entitled to serve the 2nd District. Sadly, Burke joins the ever-growing number of elected officials who only pretend to uphold the law.

Nancy I. Day

Ladera Heights

I am amazed that Burke can plaster her name all over things she has nothing to do with, including saving Martin Luther King Jr.-Harbor Hospital, and then not even live in her district. Did she not learn anything from her years in Washington, when Bush 41 claimed a hotel as his Texas residence? She needs to go, and if she has nowhere to go, then as we did with Mayor Marion Barry in the District of Columbia years ago, the voters of L.A. County need to show her the way out of the door, and soon.

C.D. Monroe


The community in which we live, and the neighboring communities -- all in the 2nd District -- are thrilled that Burke knows and responds to the needs we have. She comes to our meetings, calls important meetings that affect us and is always available by phone, as are her deputies. Know us? Like the back of her hand! She provides funds, expertise and consultants for projects that improve our quality of life.


Since her announcement much earlier that she would be retiring, we rue that day. We cannot think of a better or more qualified servant. The Times should focus its (real) journalistic efforts on issues of substance.

Ronni Cooper

Allan Boodnick

Los Angeles

Cooper is president and Boodnick vice president of the Ladera Heights Civic Assn.

This is one of the many reasons nothing gets done in the district or inner city -- because our leaders probably don’t know or don’t see what they should. And if they are away from the problem, they certainly can’t see the problem, and when caught, they come up with the flimsiest of excuses.

Charles P. Martin

Los Angeles

Re “Burke, go home,” Opinion, July 28

I am sorry to say that I fully supported Yvonne Burke 15 years ago when she first became a supervisor. I believed she cared about her community and would honestly work to improve an underserved community. Now I see she is just another political hack. I started having my doubts about 10 years ago, when I noticed she was oblivious to what was going on in the community she was elected to represent. For years, she turned a blind eye to the problems at King-Harbor. She defended the hospital but did nothing to make positive changes. Now we find out that she does not even live in her district. This ridiculous charade of having her chauffeur pick her up in Mar Vista is a joke. Her glib response, “I’ll sleep here if it makes you happy,” is a slap in the face to the people of her district. She should be prosecuted for her deception. Why are we paying for expensive cars and drivers for the supervisors anyway? Isn’t their salary enough?


Katherine Gonzalez

Palos Verdes Estates
