
Time to leave Iraq

Re “Democrats shift Iraq war debate to exit strategy,” March 9

Finally our legislators are showing some common sense toward our war policy. We all witnessed years of empty rhetoric on Iraq from a rubber-stamp Congress and a petulant White House. Now, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and her colleagues have put forth a viable strategy. This sound action would promote a stable, sovereign Iraq, bring our troops home and honor their sacrifice by shifting resources to veterans. I pray that Congress will exercise its just authority to do the right thing, finally.


Santa Barbara


The Democrats are trying to set a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq. I say, never mind the troop withdrawal. We need to first withdraw President Bush from the White House to prevent him from committing further foreign policy and military blunders, then concentrate on winning the war, then start withdrawing troops -- in that order.


Massapequa, N.Y.
