
‘Parent’ is a job description

Re “This mom needs a ditch day,” Opinion, Sept. 19

My wife and I read with incredulous disbelief Erica Schickel’s Op-Ed about the academic ordeal she has had to relive because her children are now in school.

She chose to have children. She should have seriously contemplated (perhaps when she was “trapped” in college) the responsibilities of having to raise children.

Why is she complaining now?

Peter Johnson

San Juan Capistrano


As a single working parent for the last seven years, I must ask Schickel who is in charge of her household?


My child’s perfectly good backpack continues to see service, I pack simple lunches, my child (gasp!) walks to school, and I encourage unsupervised activity.

Parents need to be in charge, make decisions, not be led around by their child and, at times, say enough is enough.

Robert Filacchione

Los Alamitos
