
Erskine’s the Man

Re: “Man of the House by Chris Erskine”: Not since Erma Bombeck have I looked forward to reading an article so much. Every Thursday morning I run out to the driveway to pick up my paper, and during my lunch I read the column and just laugh (and many times cry). His wit and humor are truly a blessing..

Grace Garcia Rancho Cucamonga

The holiday columns were hilarious! Erskine knows just what to say to make me laugh at life’s little stresses.

In truth, I don’t always have time to read the column on Thursdays. I often stack them by my bed or stuff them by the side of the driver’s seat or shove them in my purse. Then, whenever I have a moment (at a basketball practice, in a long carpool line or an airport security line) I treat myself to a little gift of humor. Looking forward to more great columns in 2008.


Diane Neimand Northridge
