
Grading public schools

If finding the right school for your children is high on your to-do list, consider a visit to Ed-Data.

This website, at, is produced by a partnership that includes the California Department of Education and offers statistical data on the state’s public schools. Detailed reports are available for each school and district, as well as summary information for counties and the state.

Each school profile includes average class size, student-computer ratio, percent of fully credentialed teachers and the ethnicity of students and instructors. Test scores are available by choosing “AYP/API Reports” or selecting “Accountability” from the report menu.


With the “compare schools” tool, you can view key side-by-side statistics on all schools in a district, or just those meeting criteria you choose.

District profiles include financial reports showing average teacher salaries and years of experience, plus spending on books, supplies and specific educational programs.

Tip: If a statistic is unavailable for the current year, choose the previous year from the menu at the top.


-- Scott J. Wilson
