
‘Sex and the City’ turns heads

THANK YOU to Carina Chocano for voicing my views on “Sex and the City” [“An Inviting Return,” May 30]. The movie, occasional pun excluded, was quite good. And, at 45, I very much enjoyed seeing women of my age in a story with relevance.

I hope the review will help it get a wider audience, as well as convince Hollywood that Diane Lane can’t do it all herself.

Maureen Driscoll

Toluca Lake

FRIDAY night at Bella Terra in Huntington Beach appeared to be a repeat performance of what occurred at the ArcLight in Hollywood [“Well-Heeled Audience,” by Lisa Rosen, May 31]. Hordes of women everywhere, from the theater to all the local restaurants, wearing high heels and sipping cosmos. It looked like men were an endangered species, for at least that night.


Hopefully Hollywood will sit up and take notice. The “chick flick” is not dead!

Bobbie McIntyre

Seal Beach

CHOCANO captured the depth of the script and the development of the characters. But she missed the mark on why straight guys are not likely to want to see it. It is laden with the Candace Bushnell proto-feminism that bashes men every chance it can. Big is afraid of commitment; poor Steve is tortured because he [had sex with] someone, even though his wife turned him into a monk. And the “boy toy” is hardly allowed to be seen as the fine fellow he is, because he is in the way of Samantha’s real nature.

They make fun of men, always have. No man is good enough, smart enough or brave enough for them.

Steve Cohen

Los Angeles

OH, MAN. And now the campaign for the Democratic nomination has even spilled over into the film reviews! While commenting on the reluctance of male moviegoers to attend “Sex and the City,” Carina Chocano slipped in this little stink bomb: “Considering the treatment Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has gotten in the press throughout her presidential campaign, this [men not wanting to see the film] comes as no surprise.”


Wow. This is so offensive on so many levels, not the least of which is positing as fact the notion that the Clinton failures are due to maltreatment by the press, and sexist maltreatment at that. I guess the obvious isn’t so obvious: Claiming victimhood when you are to blame plays into every sexist stereotype going. And it insults the women fighting real battles of gender discrimination across this country and the world.

Julia Newton

Studio City
