
Sneaking in some nutrition?

Re: [“Picky Eaters, Sneaky Parents,” June 23], I found this article interesting and disturbing. Parents secretly putting things (even if it’s broccoli) into their children’s food without their knowing it? When they grow up, I wonder what they’ll think of that?

Seems a trust is broken here, and I’m not sure it won’t affect food issues these children may have down the line.

Delicious is key where food and children are concerned. If a parent wants to get a child to eat fruit, he or she can wash, chop and freeze fresh strawberries, then take a blender and pour in one cup of fat-free milk. Add three packages of artificial sweetener. Add four or five frozen strawberries, and blend. Keep adding strawberries until you have a thick, luscious strawberry milkshake that could stand toe-to-toe with any fast-food shake you’ve ever had.


Or make a fat-free broccoli dip and toast whole wheat tortillas for chips. What kid won’t eat chips and dip?

Kitty Stallings

