

You hit the nail on the head with your comments on missing the guy-next-door appeal of Tom Hanks. (“Missing That Next-Door Guy” by Betsy Sharkey, May 31).

Meg Ryan wrote a charming essay on Hanks for Time magazine’s recent 100 most influential people. She doesn’t come right out and say it, but Hanks is just a normal, easy-to-chat-with, no-nonsense fellow . . . and that’s why he’s been so well liked and respected. In his old movies and TV roles he seems to be just himself, not in his recent work.

I miss the warm-hearted fellow also. Let the others go their way and be whatever they want, but Tom should always be himself.


Marilyn von Kuhlberg



I suppose the same things could have been written about Jimmy Stewart when he worked for Hitchcock in his midlife career. One can’t remain George Bailey, or Forrest Gump for that matter, forever.

Gary Engler

Lebanon, N.H.
