

Re “Villaraigosa won’t run for governor,” June 23

So our mayor has announced that he will not run for governor. Looks like for the first time in four years he has made a good decision, not because of stating that he doesn’t want to “leave this city in the middle of a crisis,” but because if he did run, he knows he would have as much a chance as the L.A. Clippers would have of winning an NBA title.

The mayor did, however, capture the moment with a well-scripted national TV appearance (one of his best ever). No politician does this better, and unfortunately we now have to put up with more of the same during his second term.

Richard Whorton

Valley Village


Please, can we be honest? Villaraigosa’s decision to not run for governor had nothing to do with a desire to complete any unfinished business or to spend an additional two years with his 16-year-old daughter, however honorable those reasons may be. It had everything to do with hell, the proverbial snowball and its chances of survival there.


Bob O’Neill

Redondo Beach
