

The union representing Los Angeles teachers said Wednesday that it would comply with a court order halting a one-day strike that had been planned for Friday.

The union will abide by the order because if teachers did strike Friday, members would face $1,000 fines and risk losing their teaching credentials, said A.J. Duffy, president of United Teachers Los Angeles.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge on Tuesday granted the Los Angeles Unified School District a restraining order prohibiting the strike.


Teachers now plan to picket schools across the district early Friday, and the union will hold a rally after school at the district’s downtown headquarters, Duffy said.

Union leaders had called the strike after the school board approved a budget that could lead to the layoffs of more than 2,500 teachers to close a budget gap. About 2,600 non-teaching employees also could lose their jobs.

-- Howard Blume
