

Weekly survey of 20 Orange and L.A. County lenders as of 11/4/2009

Compiled by HSH Associates, Financial Publishers;

*--* Loa Week ended 11/4/2009 Week ended 10/28/2009 Week ended 5/6/2009 ns to $41 7,0 00 30- 5.15%+0.29pt 5.17%+0.30pt 5.01%+0.35pt yea r fix ed 15- 4.62%+0.33pt 4.68%+0.32pt 4.78%+0.41pt yea r fix ed $41 7,0 00 and up 30- 5.96%+0.52pt 5.88%+0.60pt 6.48%+0.91pt yea r fix ed 15- 5.53%+0.44pt 5.43%+0.60pt 6.50%+1.08pt yea r fix ed Hom 5.81% 5.81% 5.19% e equ ity lin es Hom 8.89% 8.89% 8.93% e equ ity loa ns 6-m 0.56% 0.57% 1.51% ont h LIB OR 1-y 0.39% 0.39% 0.50% ear Tre asu ry 6-m 0.17% 0.17% 0.30% ont h Tre asu ry 6-m 0.31% 0.31% 1.40% ont h CD Pri 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% me rat e 11t 9/2009 8/2009 3/2009 h Dis tri ct cos t of fun ds 1.2 1.412% 1.627% 72% *--*
