
Traditional rules will serve at Manhattan Beach Open

The Manhattan Beach Open, which marks its 50th anniversary this year, begins Saturday at 9 a.m.

However, the event was revamped this year after the Assn. of Volleyball Professionals, the pro tour that previously ran the Open, folded last week because it ran out of money.

The California Beach Volleyball Assn. and the city of Manhattan Beach scrambled to help find sponsors for the two-day tournament, although the prize money for players is significantly smaller than in years past.


Several top volleyball teams will not be competing. Some players are boycotting the event because it is reverting to traditional beach volleyball rules.

Among the changes: Longer courts, and sideout scoring -- in which only teams that serve can earn points -- rather than using international rules that award points every time the ball hits the ground.

Admission for fans is free.




Beach Open

The volleyball tournament takes place today and Sunday. Play begins each day at 9 a.m. (A qualifier will be held this morning in the men’s competition.) Admission is free.


Total teams: Men, about 70-75; women, about 40.

Top men’s players include: Aaron Wachtfogel, Sean Rosenthal, Ed Ratledge.

Top women’s players include: Paige Jensen, Angela Lewis, Priscilla Lima.

--Baxter Holmes
