
For the record - Dec. 26, 2010

Classical musicians: In the Arts & Books section elsewhere in this edition, an article about making a living as a professional classical musician gave an incorrect last name for one of the subjects. She is Tina Chang Qu, not Tina Nguyen.

Google Chrome: A technology review in some editions of the Dec. 25 Business section said that Google would be releasing its new Chrome operating system for laptop computers as well as a self-branded laptop to run it on. In fact, Google will not be producing the laptop, which will be made and sold by other companies.

Then and Now: In the Dec. 19 California section, the Then and Now column and an accompanying photo caption identified a passenger in an 1897 motorized coach ride through downtown Los Angeles as Boyle Workman. The passenger was William H. Workman, Boyle Workman’s father.
