
Large commercial fire in Adelanto is knocked down after destroying two buildings

Flames and thick smoke rise from a commercial fire
San Bernardino County firefighters were called to a large commercial fire in Adelanto on Wednesday.
(San Bernardino County Fire Protection District)

A large fire at a commercial yard in Adelanto destroyed two buildings, including a former fire station, on Wednesday as San Bernardino County firefighters battled intense flames and other hazards.

Numerous 911 callers reported hearing explosions and seeing flames around 4:35 p.m. in the area of Baldwin Street and Hardy Avenue, said Mike McClintock, a battalion chief with the county Fire Protection District.

“Crews arrived to find a large commercial yard well involved with fire,” McClintock said. “Multiple exposures, including a strip mall, multiple homes and old Fire Station 321, were threatened by the large fire.”


Firefighters worked to keep the flames from spreading to the neighboring buildings while also working away from downed power lines at the scene, he said.

“Due to the large fire and threats, a second alarm was quickly requested,” McClintock said. “Limited water supply and downed power lines hampered firefighting efforts.”

Crews knocked down the blaze at 7:30 p.m., he said. Two buildings were destroyed, including the former fire station. A landscaping company also suffered losses to its products and yard, but firefighters were able to keep the blaze from spreading to a nearby strip mall and homes.


Southern California Edison crews were called to handle the downed power lines, McClintock said. No one was injured by the fire.

Units from the Victorville Fire Department and Apple Valley Fire Protection District also responded to the blaze, he said.
