Health Section: July 7, 2008
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U.S. employees are making do with fewer days or none at all as companies reduce the benefit. Lawmakers are stepping in.
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Diagnosed with celiac disease, or self-diagnosed. Sensitive to foods, or related to those who are. The gluten-free diet trend is getting a warm embrace.
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Poor air quality can trip up even the healthiest person. Pay attention to daily reports and your body’s reactions.
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Re: [“Is It a Safer Call?”
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Workouts become a habit when you look forward to the conversations.
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THOSE BIG 10-pound newborns that look like future Hall of Famers may be at an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
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Even everyday activities require upper body strength, especially in the biceps (which help bend the arms), the triceps (which straighten the arms) and the deltoids (which lift the arms).