Prepare for El Niño
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Forecast to be one of the strongest on record, the effects of this winter’s El Niño on Southern California has locals stocking up on umbrellas, parkas and, for the more fashion-conscious, stylish rain gear (hello, waterproof motorcycle boots).
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Rain chains, or kusari-doi in Japanese, represent design’s holiest of grails — a utility both functional and beautiful.
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One of the most effective, yet least expensive, defenses against El Niño is the humble sandbag.
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If you, like many Southern Californians, changed your landscaping substantially in light of the drought — took out lawn, put in hardscape or a large amount of decomposed granite, for example — you may have been in for a rude surprise when the El Niño-related rains started to fall this week.
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If El Nino rainfall predictions are correct, this fall and winter could be the answer to drought-relief prayers.
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While you watched much-needed showers race down the driveway and spill into street drains two weeks ago, did you perhaps think: How can I harness that rainfall?