
Obamacare flap leads to Democratic official’s resignation

A Sacramento County Democratic Party official has resigned in the wake of comments he made about an aide to Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz and her family.

When Cruz aide Amanda Carpenter voiced support for the senator’s threat to filibuster until the Senate agreed to strip funding for the president’s health-care law, Sacramento County Democratic Party spokesman Allan Brauer responded on Twitter that he hoped that she and her family “die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases”

The comments sparked calls for Brauer’s resignation, which was announced by the local party Friday afternoon.


“The comments by our volunteer communications chair are appalling and inexcusable,” said Kerri Asbury, chairwoman of the Sacramento County Democratic Party, in a statement. “No matter what our political disagreements may be, wishing harm is never an acceptable response during heated public debate or any other time. Mr. Brauer has apologized for his comments and expressed his remorse.”

On her Twitter feed on Friday, Carpenter cheered her boss’ effort to derail the president’s signature healthcare law. “GOP beat gun control, changed Obama’s mind on Syria, is holding the line on amnesty. We can defund Obamacare, too!” Carpenter posted early Friday afternoon.


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