
Exit poll results

National voters   California voters »

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 when all categories or candidates are not shown. Preliminary results.

How the poll was conducted: The National exit poll was conducted at 300 polling places among 17,244 Election Day voters representative of the United States. The polling places were selected as a stratified probability sample of each state and a subsample selected at the proper proportions for the National exit poll. In addition, 2,378 absentee and/or early voters in all 50 states were interviewed in a pre-election telephone poll. Absentee or early voters and voters at the polling places on Election Day were asked the same questions and the results were combined in approximately the correct proportions. Data is preliminary and may change somewhat when final results are tabulated.

Source: National Election Pool, conducted by Edison/Mitofsky. Members of the pool are ABC, CNN, Associated Press, CBS, Fox and NBC.

Leslie Carlson / Los Angeles Times
