
Letters: Congressional deadlock over student loans

Re “The politics of student loans,” Editorial, April 30

Although this editorial is about the interest on student loans, the controversy in Congress over this issue is representative of the way our legislators have been acting for a while. Even when the parties agree on a goal, they are so busy gaming the opposition that they cannot accomplish anything.

This behavior makes the American people more cynical and convinced that Congress is corrupt and incompetent. This will only make our lawmakers irrelevant to our citizenry and make the laws they pass irrelevant too.


This is exactly the prescription for the fall of the American empire. Hail Caesar!

Paul Moser

Studio City

The government has bailed out banks, insurance companies and the automobile industry. How about a bailout for borrowers of student loans?

It could only help the economy if those paying off loans could use that money for something other than principal and interest. It would be win-win if Congress had the guts.

Alan Matis

Sherman Oaks


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