
Letters: Anti-Semitism at UC?

Re “Federal probe clears 2 UCs of bias,” Aug. 29

It’s a shame that the U.S. Department of Education has exonerated University of California campuses for fostering anti-Semitic climates.

One of the offensive tactics used by pro-Palestinian activists is to dress up as Israeli soldiers and stop fellow students at mock checkpoints or a cardboard wall, which symbolize Israel’s attempts to keep out Palestinian suicide bombers.

If this is free speech, then I suggest that students who want to challenge these lies about Israel have a little fun while pointing out the truth. They should dress up like a real Palestinian terrorist with a mock suicide vest and hold a sign that says “I built this fence” or “I built this checkpoint.”


Then let’s see if the shoe fits on the other foot.

Sheree Roth

Palo Alto


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