
Letters: Another Obamacare fight

Re “Obamacare: New fight, old tactics,” Opinion, Sept. 8

Without the power of the courts to right the wrongs that Southern states’ governments are inflicting on their neediest citizens — whether it be denial of healthcare, gerrymandering or voting difficulty — we have one powerful tool to bring equality to our neediest citizens: economic boycotts.

We have strong Latino, black, Asian, educational and union groups in this country that should be organizing economic boycotts against those states that seek to deprive their minority residents of their rightful place in society.

One thing Republicans have great respect for is money.

Marianne Friedman


Comparing the opponents of Obamacare to those of civil rights legislation in the 1960s doesn’t account for people who fought for civil rights then but oppose Obamacare today.


In the 1960s, we fought for the right of people to vote and live equally. Obamacare is a plan that fails in implementation. It prescribes no remedy for the shortage of primary-care doctors and continues to allow insurance companies to sacrifice medical care for profit.

What should be compared are the profiteering insurance companies — fighting against the rights of Americans to have a plan that will keep them out of bankruptcy and foreclosure — and the other advanced nations of the world that provide healthcare to their people.

Gene Dorio, MD

Santa Clarita


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