
Letters: Who really pays corporate taxes

Re “Apple’s tax tricks give occasion for lousy reform ideas,” Column, May 19

Michael Hiltzik concludes his column by urging that the corporate income tax not be abolished because “what they don’t pay, you will.”

This ignores the reality that we already do pay the tax. As with the non-corporate entities he cites, corporations serve as tax collectors, passing on the tax liability to consumers (in the form of higher prices), employees (through lower wages) and shareholders (through smaller dividends).


Al Clarke

Thousand Oaks

Hiltzik is right on the money when he says that “what they don’t pay, we will.” I agree that we should abolish the overseas income loophole that allows Apple Inc. to stash away billions in tax-free earnings.

But I also think it is time to boycott Apple. We can do that now.

Jane Bove

Fountain Valley


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