
Readers React: Teens work because they need the money, not for fun

To the editor: Jonah Goldberg says summer jobs for teens are important for learning crucial work skills. True. He then writes, based on his own experience working for beer money and on today’s very affluent kids not needing to work at all, that businesses should continue to pay below a living wage. Hogwash. (“How to kill the summer job,” op-ed, July 28)

I worked in the summer and during the school year to pay for my car, insurance and more. In college, I worked year-round to support myself and pay tuition.

Many teens today are working to cover college expenses not taken care of by financial aid or to help support their families. This is the world of the vast majority of today’s population.


I don’t know any teen (and I know a lot of them) who is working for beer money. Earned income tax credits are no replacement for a living wage. I suggest that the businesses that cannot afford the increased pay be given a tax credit for paying a living wage.

Robin Zur Schmiede, Laguna Beach

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