
Readers React: California deserves tough environmental regulators

To the editor: We pass environmental protection laws in California to keep companies from polluting our environment and causing costly health problems. When the agency charged with enforcing our laws — in this case, the Department of Toxic Substances Control — does not bother to fill out the paperwork to collect the fines, the industries get the message that they can pollute with impunity. (“State failed to collect $194 million for toxic cleanups, audit finds,” Aug. 7)

When people’s health, and even lives, are at stake, our state agencies must invoke the law to protect them.

The head of this agency should be replaced immediately, as should all personnel who were derelict in their duties to aggressively go after polluting companies. Appoint an actual environmentalist to head this agency and let this person hire people who will protect the residents of California, not the polluters.


Paul Scott, Santa Monica
