
Readers React: Consumers biting back at Burger King, Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is investing in the purchase by Burger King of the Canadian restaurant chain Tim Hortons.
(Nicholas Kamm / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: If the Obama administration is, as it claims, trying to stem the flow of companies such as Burger King to other countries because of lower tax rates, maybe it should put more effort into working with Congress for long-overdue tax reform. (Re “Burger King and Buffett under fire,” Business, Aug. 27, and “For Buffett, is this a reversal on inversion?,” Column, Aug. 27)

When the United States has a sky-high corporate tax rate, is it any wonder that companies are leaving?

Janet Polak, Beverly Hills


To the editor: I agree with columnist Michael Hiltzik that the migration of Burger King tax dollars to Canada is a low blow. And the participation of fiscal hero Warren Buffett makes it doubly sad.
I will be taking my burger dollars elsewhere.

Jerry Moore, Cerritos


To the editor: Your headline on the Burger King article states that the fast-food chain may move to Canada to save taxes. I think that is wrong; it’s to avoid paying taxes in the U.S.

That may seem a subtle difference, but to most Americans, it is huge.

The middle class is a disappearing breed. We are either wealthy or poor. We shop at Bloomingdale’s or Wal-Mart.


I think it is time for all Americans to come together and stop purchasing goods from so-called American companies that do not pay taxes.

Hopefully those who can only afford fast food will buy American and help our economy. We are tired of watching our hard-earned dollars leave our shores, even if they’re only going to Canada.

Chuck Rinaldi, Huntington Beach


To the editor: So Burger King wants to become a Canadian company for tax purposes but will keep operations in the United States.


It doesn’t want to pay taxes so its employees are educated or the roads that its trucks use are repaired?
Shame on the company and Buffet for this un-American action.

Chloe Ramus , Bonita

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