
Opinion: How to react to sufferers of Trump Apology Syndrome

Demonstrators in Los Angeles hold placards depicting President-elect Donald Trump as Hitler, as thousands march in reaction to the presidential election results on Nov. 12.
(Mike Nelson / EPA)

To the editor: It would seem that Justin Raimondo suffers from the polar affliction TAS, or Trump Apology Syndrome. (“Do you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome?,” Dec. 27)

The many cases I have seen over the last six months seem to be primarily delusional in nature, characterized by a complete and utter inability to recognize statements made by President-elect Donald Trump for what they are. Many of those who voted for Trump did so based upon his ability to “say what he means,” except now it seems no one wants to admit the he “means what he says.”

The primary and secondary stages of TAS, while not generally dangerous, can be extremely annoying. Later stages, however, are thought to be fatal to the general health and well-being of the country and its political system.


When coming in contact with anyone who is in the throes of TAS, it is best not to excite them too much; under no circumstances should you cite facts or statistics, and please do not quote Trump in the presence of the patient.

Thomas Sexton, Huntington Beach


To the editor: This is how it begins, with an article ridiculing legitimate criticism by calling critics of Trump deranged.

It is not deranged for people who know about nuclear policy to express concern when a future president tweets casually about nuclear weapons. It is not deranged for people who know history to point out that private security, once known as praetorian guards, became the enforcers for the Caesars who destroyed the Roman Republic.


Most disturbing is calling Rep Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), the highly respected ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, “TDS-riddled” because he believes the evidence on Russian hacking presented by our intelligence agencies. While he is in a position to know about the intelligence, he is also limited in his ability to communicate about it because he cannot reveal everything he knows.

Raimondo’s piece seems intended to quash discussion, as is typical of authoritarian rulers and their followers.

Catherine Burke, San Gabriel


To the editor: Arguing that those Americans who vociferously oppose Trump’s misogyny, racism, xenophobia and mocking of the disabled are “deranged” is nothing compared to those truly deranged individuals who, for almost 25 years, have perpetrated a relentless and crazed vilification of Hillary Clinton.


Sounds to me like Raimondo is attempting to “normalize” Trump.

Donald Bentley, La Puente


To the editor: When I read the headline for the op-ed article by Raimondo, I was hoping to find an understanding of Trump tweets like this one: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

Instead, I found that I am to understand that it is not Trump but the rest of the world that is deranged, including, presumably, U.S. presidents from Ronald Reagan on who have worked to reduce the numbers of nuclear warheads.

Paul Somerville, La Cañada Flintridge


To the editor: Raimondo’s mocking characterization of the real concerns his so-called TDS sufferers have is best summed up by a quote from our even-tempered, mature, tolerant and always eloquent president-elect: “Sad!”

Ona Russell, Solana Beach

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