
Letters to the Editor: It’s ‘under his eye’ for women in Texas. Expand the Supreme Court now

Women wearing "Bans Off Our Bodies" shirts raise fists and chant at the Texas Capitol.
Women protest Wednesday against the six-week abortion ban at the Texas Capitol in Austin.
(Jay Janner / Associated Press)

To the editor: With Senate Bill 8 now law in Texas, enabled by the studied inaction of the U.S. Supreme Court, our entire country moves much closer to becoming the Republic of Gilead depicted in Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

SB 8 allows any plaintiff to become one of Atwood’s theocratic “eyes,” using a Texas court to sue anyone suspected of providing or in any way facilitating an abortion in Texas beyond six weeks of pregnancy. If the plaintiff wins their lawsuit, they are entitled to $10,000 plus legal fees paid by the defendant. There are no legal consequences for the plaintiff if the suit fails.

The group Texas Right to Life has already set up an online “whistleblower” site reminiscent of the Nazi-era “block wardens.” We can look forward to women without means being unduly impacted, with a tragic increase in toxic and self-induced abortions and mothers unprepared or without the means to adequately care for the babies they are forced to bear.


I urge President Biden to call for expanding the Supreme Court so it can be restored to balance and this law can be overturned.

Ken Levy, Los Angeles


To the editor: Draconian world, here we come.

With a $10,000 bounty on the head of anyone involved in an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy in Texas, I can just see the salivary glands of the zealous and greedy, the scammers and cheaters licking their chops, sitting at tables in a coffee shop somewhere in Texas, straining to overhear conversations, recording the talks, following people home to get addresses, doing what they want to do to claim that money and destroying the lives of innocent people.

After all, let’s not forget this is America, a country where money is the great god for many, and human life truly means very little outside the womb.


Roz Levine, Los Angeles


To the editor: I wonder how long it will take for the companies that are moving to Texas to face a backlash of female talent refusing to relocate to a state with misogynistic laws.

It’s already difficult enough to recruit top talent, especially women, to an organization. I doubt moving to such an unfriendly state as Texas helps matters.

I am surprised no one in the Texas Legislature who voted for this bill thought their archaic positions and laws might not be attractive to companies in this century. I am even more disappointed in the companies that decide to move to Texas.


Alysia Vanitzian, Los Angeles


To the editor: A letter writer asked, “Who are we to judge the Taliban when governments in our own country can take control of a woman’s body?”

Now, I don’t agree with the Texas law banning abortion after six weeks. I believe as many others do: Abortion should be restricted when a baby can live outside the womb.

But to compare banning abortion after six weeks to what the Taliban does to women — beating those who work outside the home, forcing them to fully cover themselves, preventing them from getting an education — is idiotic. It seems that many people have totally lost common sense.

Barbara Kimelman, Tarzana


To the editor: Are we ready for the popular refrain from the right-to-lifers, “She had sex, so she must accept the responsibility”?

“She” did not have sex. Two people had sex, and the responsibility therefore must be a shared one. In Texas, government funds should be used to provide free early pregnancy tests to any woman who desires one.

If a woman becomes pregnant, from conception to adulthood, every expense must be accounted for equally, including but not limited to doctor visits (which fathers must attend), medication, prenatal care, maternity clothing, loss of income, delivery, clothing for the child, housing, food and education.


A father caught not providing these funds should have his wages garnished. If it happens again, the father can choose between incarceration or a vasectomy.

Hey, fair is fair.

Mollie Tammone, Oceanside


To the editor: The Texas Legislature should begin appropriating additional funding to track down the deadbeat fathers of future children born as a result of their draconian antiabortion legislation to ensure they pay to support these children until they’re 18.

I’m not holding my breath, though. As usual, the mothers will pay the price.

Marie Sirney, Newport Beach


To the editor: Want to tour a land ruled by fear, ignorance and bigotry, where women’s rights are trampled, and there are more guns than people?

No need to book a flight to Afghanistan. Just take a drive through Texas.

Stephen Lee, La Habra


To the editor: As the Taliban take over Afghanistan, the American Taliban are taking over Texas, forcing women to bear children they don’t want and intruding into private medical decisions.

At the same time, Texas says that preventing the spread of a dangerous disease cannot be mandated because people should be free of government interference. Also, the wrong people cannot be allowed to vote.

What a strange and sorry world we live in.

Carol Mathews, Redwood City, Calif.
