
What is your favorite day to watch the NFL: Thursday, Sunday or Monday?

Back when I was a kid, it used to be easy to watch NFL games. Sure it was snowing all the time and we had to walk to school barefoot (and it was uphill both ways), but we knew that come Sunday, we could check our local listings, settle down in a chair and watch two NFL games on one of two networks, CBS or NBC.

Now everything is haywire. The games are on multiple channels, with multiple packages available on satellite providers. Plus, the games are spread over more than one day. You can see games on Thursday, Sunday and Monday this season.

Which brings us to our latest poll. What day do you prefer to watch NFL games? Thursday night, as a way to lead into the weekend; Sunday, which its traditional slate of games; or Monday, with the iconic "Monday Night Football''?

Vote in our poll and let us know.
