
Foreign Government Tourist Offices

Here is a list of selected government tourist offices. For information about acountry not listed, call the United Nations at (212) 963-1234; dial 0 and askfor the number of the country's U.N. delegation.

Anguilla: Anguilla Tourist Board, P.O. Box 1388,Old Factory Plaza, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies; telephone (264)497-2759, fax (264) 497-2710, Internet

Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua and BarbudaDepartment of Tourism, 610 Fifth Ave., Suite 311, New York, NY 10020; tel.(212) 541-4117, fax (212) 541-4789,

Argentina: Argentina Government TouristInformation, 12 W. 56th St., New York, NY 10019; tel. (212) 603-0443.

Armenia: Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, 2225R St. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 319-1976, fax (202) 319-2982,

Aruba: Aruba Tourism Authority, 1000 HarborBlvd., Weehawken, NJ 07087; tel. (800) TO-ARUBA (862-7822), fax (201) 330-8757,

Australia: Australian Tourist Commission, 2049Century Park E., Suite 1920, Los Angeles, CA 90067; tel. (800) 369-6863, fax(661) 775-4448,

Austria: Austrian National Tourist Office, P.O.Box 1142, Times Square, New York, NY 10108-1142; tel. (212) 944-6880, fax (212)730-4568,

Bahamas: Bahamas Tourism Center, 3450 WilshireBlvd., Suite 1204, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (800) 439-6993, fax (213)383-3966,

Barbados: Barbados Tourism Authority, 3440Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1207, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (800) 221-9831, fax(213) 384-2763,

Belgium: Belgian Tourism, 780 3rd Ave., Suite1501, New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 758-8130, fax (212) 355-7675,

Belize: Consulate General of Belize, 5825 SunsetBlvd., Suite 206, Los Angeles, CA 90028; tel. (800) 624-0686, fax (323)469-7346,

Bermuda: Bermuda Department of Tourism, 269 S.Beverly Drive, PMB 448, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; tel. (800) BERMUDA (237-6832)or (323) 933-2416, fax (323) 933-2469,

Bolivia: Embassy of Bolivia, Tourist Information,3014 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 483-4410, fax(202) 328-3712.

Bonaire: Tourism Corp. Bonaire, 10 RockefellerPlaza, Suite 900, New York, NY 10020; tel. (800) 266-2473 or (212) 956-5912,fax (212) 956-5913,

Botswana: Botswana Consulate, 333 S. Hope St.,Suite 3800, Los Angeles, CA 90071; tel. (213) 626-8484, fax (213) 626-0078.

Brazil: Brazilian Consulate Trade Center, TouristInformation, 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 730, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; tel.(323) 651-2664, Ext. 202, fax (323) 651-1274.

Britain: British Tourist Authority, 551 FifthAve., Suite 701, New York, NY 10176; tel. (800) GO-2-BRITAIN (462-2748),

British Virgin Islands: British Virgin IslandsTourist Board, 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1202, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel.(800) 835-8530 or (213) 736-8931, fax (213) 736-8935,

Bulgaria: Balkan Travel & Tours, 545 W. 59th St.,New York, NY 10019; tel. (800) 822-1106 or (212) 586-3522, fax (212) 247-3810,

Canada: Canadian Tourism Commission, 550 S. HopeSt., 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071; tel. (213) 346-2700, fax (213) 346-2785,

Caribbean: Caribbean Tourism Organization, 80Broad St., 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10004; tel. (212) 635-9530, fax (212)635-9511,

Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Department ofTourism, 3440 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1202, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213)738-1968, fax (213) 738-1829,

Chile: Chilean Embassy, 1140 Connecticut Ave.N.W., Suite 703, Washington, DC 20036; tel. (202) 785-1746,

China (People's Republic): China National TouristOffice, 600 W. Broadway, Suite 320, Glendale, CA 91204; tel. (818) 545-7507,fax (818) 545-7506,

Colombia: Consul General of Colombia, 10 E. 46thSt., New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 949-9898,

Congo (Democratic Republic): Embassy ofDemocratic Republic of the Congo, 1800 New Hampshire Ave. N.W., Washington, DC20009; tel. (202) 234-7690, fax (202) 234-2609.

Cook Islands: Cook Islands Tourism Corp., 5757 W.Century Blvd., Suite 660, Los Angeles, CA 90045; tel. (888) 994-COOK (2665),

Costa Rica: Consulate General of Costa Rica, 1605W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90015; tel. (800) 343-6332 or(213) 380-7915, fax (213) 380-5639,

Croatia: Croatian National Tourist Office, 350Fifth Ave., Suite 4003, New York, NY 10118; tel. (800) 829-4416 or (212)279-8672, fax (212) 279-8683,

Curaçao: Curaçao Tourist Board, 475 Park Ave. S.,Suite 2000, New York, NY 10016; tel. (800) 270-3350 or (212) 683-7660, fax(212) 683-9337,

Cyprus: Cyprus Tourism Organization, 13 E. 40thSt., New York, NY 10016; tel. (212) 683-5280, fax (212) 683-5282,

Czech Republic: Czech Tourist Authority, 1109Madison Ave., New York, NY 10028; tel. (212) 288-0830, fax (212) 288-0971,

Denmark: See Scandinavia.

Dominica: Dominica Tourist Office, 800 2nd Ave.,No. 1802, New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 949-1711, fax (212) 949-1714,

Dominican Republic: Dominican Republic TourismOffice, 561 W. Diversey Parkway, Suite 214, Chicago, IL 60614; tel. (888)303-1336 or (773) 529-1336, fax (773) 529-1338,

Ecuador: Consulate General of Ecuador, TouristInformation, 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 540, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; tel.(323) 658-6020, fax (323) 658-1934,

Egypt: Egyptian Tourist Authority, 8383 WilshireBlvd., Suite 215, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; tel. (323) 653-8815, fax (323)653-8961,

El Salvador: Consulate General of El Salvador,3450 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 250, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213) 383-5776, fax(213) 383-8599.

Estonia: Consulate General of the Republic ofEstonia, 600 3rd Ave., 26th Floor, New York, NY 10016; tel. (212) 883-0636, fax(212) 883-0648,

Fiji: Fiji Visitors Bureau, 5777 W. CenturyBlvd., Suite 220, Los Angeles, CA 90045; tel. (800) 932-3454 or (310) 568-1616,fax (310) 670-2318,

Finland: See Scandinavia.

France: French Government Tourist Office, 9454Wilshire Blvd., Suite 715, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2967; tel. (310) 271-6665 or(410) 286-8310 (France-on-Call hotline), fax (310) 276-2835,

French Guiana: See France.

French Polynesia: See Tahiti.

Germany: German National Tourist Office, 122 E.42nd St., 52nd Floor, New York, NY 10168; tel. (212) 661-7200, fax (212)661-7174,

Ghana: Embassy of Ghana, Information Section,3512 International Drive N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 686-4520, fax(202) 686-4527,

Greece: Greek National Tourist Organization, 645Fifth Ave., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10022; tel. (212) 421-5777, fax (212)826-6940,

Grenada: Grenada Board of Tourism, 800 2nd Ave.,Suite 400K, New York, NY 10017; tel. (800) 927-9554 or (212) 687-9554, fax(212) 573-9731,

Guadeloupe: See France.

Guatemala: Consulate General of Guatemala, 10 E.46th St., New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 949-9898,

Haiti: Consulate General of Haiti, TouristOffice, 271 Madison Ave., 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016; tel. (212) 697-9767,fax (212) 681-6991,

Honduras: Consulate General of Honduras, TouristSection, 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 230, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213)383-9244, fax (213) 383-9306,

Hong Kong: Hong Kong Tourist Assn., 10940Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90024; tel. (800) 282-HKTA(282-4582) or (310) 208-4582, fax (310) 208-1869,

Hungary: Hungarian National Tourist Office, 150E. 58th St., 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10155-3398; tel. (212) 355-0240, fax(212) 207-4103,

Iceland: See Scandinavia.

India: Government of India Tourist Office, 3550Wilshire Blvd., Suite 204, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213) 380-8855, fax(213) 380-6111,

Indonesia: Indonesian Consulate General, 3457Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213) 383-5126, fax (213)487-3971.

Ireland: Irish Tourist Board, 345 Park Ave., 17thFloor, New York, NY 10154; tel. (800) 223-6470 or (212) 418-0800,

Israel: Israel Government Tourist Office, 6380Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1718, Los Angeles, CA 90048; tel. (888) 77-ISRAEL(774-7723), fax (323) 658-6543,

Italy: Italian Government Tourist Board, 12400Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90025; tel. (310) 820-1898, fax(310) 820-6357,

Ivory Coast: Tourisme Côte d'Ivoire NorthAmerica, 3421 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20007; tel. (202)797-0352, fax (202) 387-6381.

Jamaica: Jamaica Tourist Board, 3440 WilshireBlvd., Suite 805, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (800) 233-4582, fax (213)384-1780,

Japan: Japan National Tourist Organization, 515S. Figueroa St., Suite 1470, Los Angeles, CA 90071; tel. (213) 623-1952, fax(213) 623-6301,

Jordan: Jordan Tourism Board, 2000 N. 14th St.,Suite 770, Arlington, VA 22201; tel. (877) SEE-JORDAN (733-5673) or (703)243-7404, fax (703) 243-7406,

Kenya: Kenya Consulate and Tourist Office, 2249 RSt. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 387-6101, fax (202) 462-3829,

Korea: Korea National Tourism Organization, 4801Wilshire Blvd., Suite 103, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (800) 868-7567 or (323)643-0025, fax (323) 643-0028,

Latvia: Latvian Embassy, 4325 17th St. N.W.,Washington, DC 20011; tel. (202) 726-8213, fax (202) 726-6785,

Liechtenstein: See Switzerland.

Lithuania: Honorary Consulate General ofLithuania, Tourist Information, 3236 N. Sawtooth Court, Westlake Village, CA91362; tel. (805) 496-5324, fax (805) 496-7435,

Luxembourg: Luxembourg National Tourist Office,17 Beekman Place, New York, NY 10022; tel. (212) 935-8888, fax (212) 935-5896,

Macau: Macau Tourist Information Bureau, 5757 W.Century Blvd., Suite 660, Los Angeles, CA 90045; tel. (877) 622-2800 or (310)670-2234, fax (310) 338-0708,

Madagascar: Embassy of Madagascar, TouristInformation, 2374 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202)265-5525, fax (202) 265-3034,

Malaysia: Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, 818W. 7th St., Los Angeles, CA 90017-3432; tel. (800) 336-6842 or (213) 689-9702,fax (213) 689-1530,

Maldives: Permanent Mission of the Republic ofMaldives, 800 2nd Ave., Suite 400E, New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 599-6194,fax (212) 661-6405,

Malta: Malta National Tourist Office, 300 LanidexPlaza, Parsippany, NJ 07054; tel. (877) GO-MALTA (466-2582), fax (425)795-3425,

Marshall Islands: Consulate of the MarshallIslands, 1888 Lusitana St., Suite 301, Honolulu, HI 96813; tel. (808) 545-7767,fax (808) 545-7211.

Martinique: Martinique Promotions, 444 MadisonAve., 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022; tel. (800) 391-4909,

Mauritius: Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius,4301 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 441, Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202)244-1491, fax (202) 966-0983,

Mexico: Mexican Government Tourism Office,Mexican Consulate, 2401 W. 6th St., 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90057; tel.(213) 351-2069, fax (213) 351-2074, Mexican Government Tourism Office (Mexico City), (800) 482-9832.
IMPA Baja Information, 7860 Mission Center Court,Suite 202, San Diego, CA 92108; tel. (800) 522-1516, fax (619) 294-7366.

Monaco: Monaco Government Tourist Office, 565Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10017; tel. (800) 753-9696 or (212) 286-3330, fax(212) 286-9890,

Mongolia: Embassy of Mongolia, Attn.: Ms.Bayasgalan, Commercial Division, 2833 M St. N.W., Washington, DC 20007; tel.(202) 333-7117, Ext. 106, fax (202) 298-9227.

Morocco: Moroccan National Tourist Office, 20 E.46th St., Suite 1201, New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 557-2520, fax (212)949-8148,

Myanmar (Burma): Embassy of Myanmar, InformationOfficer, 2300 S St. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 332-9044 or (202)332-9045, fax (202) 332-9046,

Namibia: Embassy of Namibia, 1605 New HampshireAve. N.W., Washington, DC 20009; tel. (202) 986-0540, fax (202) 986-0443.

Nepal: Royal Nepalese Consulate General, TouristInformation, 820 2nd Ave., Suite 17B, New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 370-3988,fax (212) 953-2038,

Netherlands: Netherlands Board of Tourism, 355Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10017; tel. (888) GO-HOLLAND (464-6552), fax (800)697-0580,

New Zealand: Tourism New Zealand, 501 SantaMonica Blvd., Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90401; tel. (877) 9-PURENZ(978-7369), fax (310) 395-5453,

Nicaragua: Consulate Gen. of Nicaragua, 3303Wilshire Blvd., No. 410, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213) 252-1170, fax (213)252-1177,

Nigeria: Embassy of Nigeria, Attn.: Informationand Culture Department, 2201 M St. N.W., Washington, DC 20037; tel. (202)822-1500, fax (202) 463-4915,

Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Tourist Board,551 Fifth Ave., Suite 701, New York, NY 10176; tel. (800) 326-0036, fax (212)922-0099,

Norway: See Scandinavia.

Pakistan: Consulate General of Pakistan, 10850Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90024; tel. (310) 441-5114, fax(310) 441-9256,

Palau: Embassy of the Republic of Palau, 115018th St. N.W., Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036; tel. (202) 452-6814, fax (202)452-6281,

Panama: Consulate General of Panama, 3137 W. BallRoad, Suite 104, Anaheim, CA 92804; tel./fax (714) 816-1809.

Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea TourismPromotion Authority, 5000 Birch St., Suite 3000, Newport Beach, CA 92660; tel.(949) 752-5440, fax (949) 476-3741,

Paraguay: Embassy of Paraguay, 2400 MassachusettsAve. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 483-6962, fax (202) 234-4508.

Peru: Consulate General of Peru, TouristInformation, 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213)252-5910, fax (213) 252-8130.

Philippines: Philippine Department of Tourism,3660 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 216, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213) 487-4525, fax(213) 386-4063,

Poland: Polish National Tourist Office, 275Madison Ave., Suite 1711, New York, NY 10016; tel. (212) 338-9412, fax (212)338-9283,

Portugal: Portuguese National Tourist Office, 590Fifth Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; tel. (800) 767-8842, fax (212)764-6137,

Romania: Romanian National Tourist Office, 14 E.38th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016; tel. (212) 545-8484, fax (212)251-0429.

Russia: Russian National Tourist Office, 130 W.42nd St., Suite 412, New York, NY 10036; tel. (212) 575-3431, fax (212)575-3434,

St. Barthélemy: See France.

St. Kitts and Nevis: St. Kitts and Nevis TouristOffice, 414 E. 75th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10021; tel. (800) 582-6208 or(212) 535-1234, fax (212) 734-6511,

St. Lucia: St. Lucia Tourist Board, 800 2nd Ave.,9th Floor, New York, NY 10017; tel. (800) 456-3984 or (212) 867-2950, fax (212)867-2795,

St. Maarten: St. Maarten Tourist Office, 675 3rdAve., Suite 1807, New York, NY 10017; tel. (800) 786-2278 or (212) 953-2084,fax (212) 953-2145,

St. Martin: See France.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent/TheGrenadines Tourist Office, 801 2nd Ave., 21st Floor, New York, NY 10017; tel.(800) 729-1726 or (212) 687-4981, fax (212) 949-5946,

Scandinavia: Tourist Boards of Denmark, Finland,Iceland, Norway and Sweden, P.O. Box 4649, Grand Central Station, New York, NY10163-4649; tel. (212) 885-9700, fax (212) 885-9710,; for Denmark,; for Finland,; for Iceland,;for Norway,; for Sweden,

Senegal: Senegal Tourist Office, 350 Fifth Ave.,Suite 3118, New York, NY 10118; tel. (800) 443-2527 or (212) 279-1953, fax(212) 279-1958,

Seychelles: Seychelles Tourist Office, 235 E.40th St., Suite 24A, New York, NY 10016; tel. (888) 786-6971, fax (212)922-9177.

Singapore: Singapore Tourism Board, 8484 WilshireBlvd., Suite 510, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; tel. (323) 852-1901, fax (323)852-0129,

Slovak Republic: Embassy of the Slovak Republic,2201 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., No. 250, Washington, DC 20007; tel. (202) 965-5160,fax (202) 965-5166,

Slovenia: Slovenian Tourism, 345 E. 12th St., NewYork, NY 10003; tel. (212) 358-9686, fax (212) 358-9025,

Solomon Islands: Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau,P.O. Box 321, Honiara, Solomon Islands; tel. 011-677-22-442, fax011-677-23-986,

South Africa: South African Tourism, 500 FifthAve., Suite 2040, New York, NY 10110; tel. (800) 822-5368 or (212) 730-2929,fax (212) 764-1980,

Spain: Tourist Office of Spain, 8383 WilshireBlvd., Suite 956, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; tel. (323) 658-7188 or (323)658-7192, fax (323) 658-1061,

Sri Lanka: Embassy of Sri Lanka, TouristInformation, 2148 Wyoming Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 483-4025,fax (202) 232-7181,

Sweden: See Scandinavia.

Switzerland: Switzerland Tourism, 501 SantaMonica Blvd, Suite 607, Santa Monica, CA 90401; tel. (310) 640-8900 or011-800-100-200-30, fax (310) 260-2923 or toll-free 011-800-1002-0031,

Syria: Syrian Embassy, Tourism Office, 2215Wyoming Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 232-6313, fax (202)265-4585,

Tahiti: Tahiti Tourisme, 300 Continental Blvd.,Suite 160, El Segundo, CA 90245; tel. (800) 365-4949 or (310) 414-8484, fax(310) 414-8490,
Taiwan (Republic of China): Taiwan VisitorsAssn., 3731 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 504, Los Angeles, CA 90010; tel. (213)389-1158, fax (213) 389-1094,

Tanzania: Tanzania Embassy, Attn.: Mrs. Nyange,Information Officer, 2139 R St. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202)939-6125, fax (202) 797-7408,

Thailand: Tourism Authority of Thailand, 611 N.Larchmont Blvd., 1st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90004; tel. (800) THAILAND(845-4526) or (323) 461-9814, fax (323) 461-9834,

Togo: Embassy of Togo, Tourist Information, 2208Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 234-4212, fax (202)232-3190,

Tonga: Tonga Consulate General, 360 Post St.,Suite 604, San Francisco, CA 94108; tel. (415) 781-0365, fax (415)781-3964.

Trinidad and Tobago: Tourism and IndustrialDevelopment Co. of Trinidad and Tobago, Ltd., P.O. Box 222, 10-14 Phillips St.,Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies; tel. (888) 595-4TNT (868) (USA) or (868)623-6022, fax (868) 623-3848,

Tunisia: Embassy of Tunisia, Tourism Section,1515 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20005; tel. (202) 862-1850, fax(202) 862-1858,

Turkey: Turkish Tourist Office, 821 UnitedNations Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017; tel. (877) FOR-TURKEY (367-8875)or (212) 687-2194, fax (212) 599-7568,

Turks and Caicos Islands: Turks and CaicosIslands Tourist Office, 11645 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 302, Miami, FL 33181; tel.(800) 241-0824 or (305) 891-4117, fax (305) 891-7096,

Uruguay: Uruguay Tourist Office, 2719 TarponDrive, Miramar, FL 33023; tel. (877) URUGUAY (878-4829), fax (954)893-6866.

Venezuela: Consulate General, 7 E. 51st St., NewYork, NY 10022; tel. (212) 826-1660,

Vietnam: Embassy of Vietnam, 1233 20th St. N.W.,Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036; tel. (202) 861-2293, fax (202) 861-1297,

Zambia: Permanent Mission of the Republic ofZambia, 800 2nd Ave., New York, NY 10017; tel. (212) 972-7200, fax (212)972-7360,

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Tourist Office, 1270 Avenue ofthe Americas, Suite 2315, New York, NY 10020; tel. (800) 621-2381 or (212)332-1090, fax (212) 332-1093.
