
Feedback: A beach wheelchair just may be the best invention ever

Thank you for the great article on the beach wheelchairs [“Beach Lovers, Get Rolling,” by Yomi S. Wrong, July 29]. My husband, Richard, and I discovered the one at Laguna Beach in 2004 and have been using it ever since.

Richard, who has multiple sclerosis, loves the beach chair because he can touch the sand and pick up (and return) sea shells, and I always make sure he gets doused with a couple of waves.

We recently got stuck in the wet sand: He sank farther every time a wave came in. We laughed and laughed. Eventually three angels appeared (two in bikinis and one in surfer shorts) and pulled us out of the hole.


I’ve never been able to push him back up to the lifeguard station because of the soft, dry sand. But many people have helped us.

Thank you for letting others know about the greatest invention ever.

Sue Snyder

Laguna Woods

Strolling in Germany

In re wandering by George Hobica [“Walking in a City’s Rhythm,” July 29]: If you’re in Munich, Germany, walk through Englischer Garten, or English Garden, a huge urban park.

Or better yet, get a bike and ride south along the Isar. Stop at Waldwirtschaft Grosshesselohebeer garden. Or for an even more local experience, try the Menterschwaigebeer garden.


Bob Wieting

Simi Valley

Sleeping tips

I enjoyed the article about hiking Mt. Olympus in Greece [“Mythic Mountaintop,” by Terri Cook, July 22]. I tried to reach the summit on a trip about 25 years ago.

Back then, when leaving the Spillios Agapitos refuge, there was a well-marked trail, but after some distance the trail ended. Hikers needed to make their way on their own following the colorful dots painted on the rocks and dirt slopes.

It wasn’t always easy to see the painted dots, nor were they every several yards or so. Nonetheless it was an exciting adventure.


Staying at the refuge was also an adventure. My first night there, I couldn’t understand why almost all the hikers were going to bed so early.

When I finally did go into the dormitory to go to bed, I learned why they retired early: to try to fall asleep before the snoring started. It was the most restless night I ever experienced. Mosquitoes buzzing and biting would not have been as unpleasant as it was trying to fall asleep in that dorm. I strongly recommend that anyone sleeping there brings earplugs.

Pleased to read that the slats in the floorboards have been replaced by flush toilets.

Don Heuman

Los Angeles

FOR THE RECORD: An earlier version of this article gave the incorrect name for the letter writer of “Sleeping Tips.” His name is Don Heuman.

[email protected]

