
The Samoan Way leaves an indelible mark, even four decades later

I thoroughly enjoyed Christopher Reynolds’ article about Samoa and the people there. About 40 years ago I won a trip on a game show to Australia and New Zealand.

The flight to Australia made a brief stop in Samoa of perhaps 30 minutes. I got off the plane to see whatever I could and was greeted by a group of Samoans singing beautifully for the few of us that came off the plane.

They left a lasting impression of the Samoan way.

Cheryl Crawford



in re: “She set off to visit all 59 national parks, from Maine to Pago Pago


Great story. We (wife and family) are doing the same including all California Historical Landmarks. The is a group of people trying to see all such sites? Some have already have completed all 1100+ CHLs.

My website is under construction ( and a good number of us are getting together in early January. Through this crazy trip we’ve discovered California and one another and some beatiful friendships have resulted. See tge “other resources” page.

Kyle, of the”bill beaver project” will be publishing a book soon.

We run all walks of life: corporate professionals, university professors, etc. and we all go out of way, later get together and compare notes.


E. “Zeke” Barragan

North Hollywood
