
Letters: Choices at L.A. Unified

Re “Progress but not yet victory,” Editorial, April 29

The Times points out that only 15% of Los Angeles students finish high school in four years with the qualifications to attend a state public college.

As a former L.A. Unified School District counselor, I believe the district’s proposal to reduce the total credits for a high school diploma to the state minimum will allow students more choices if the district continues with six-period days.


One choice: Use that freed up class time to learn a salable skill. Other choices: Use the time to meet the requirements to enter a state college or graduate with the minimum requirements and acquire a skill through a two-year college.

Choice is good; unemployment is bad. Where did we ever get the idea that to get a college degree in some obscure subject and then be unemployed bring greater glory than having a steady income from a skill learned in high school?

Wendell H. Jones



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